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#172 The Astrology Forecast for Mercury in Virgo


The themes this week for the Astrology Forecast for Mercury in Virgo are…

1. Heart

2. Courage

3. Efficiency

The Heart continues to be a key theme with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, before it transits into Virgo, all transiting through Leo, the Sign that rules the Heart.

Courage is a theme because of Chiron and the North Node in Aries.

Efficiency is a theme with Mercury beginning transit in the Sign that it rules, Virgo, joining Mars in the Sign of the Virgin.

Courageously open your heart. Connect your heart to your mind. Speak from your heart. Create the structure necessary to support your sense of play, and fun.

Find the joy in the work and do the work required to make your work your joy.

If you are curious to know how any of the transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

Check out the podcast through the link below...

The Weekly Transit Astrology Podcast

MONDAY, July 24

Mercury in Leo and Mars in Virgo

The Moon in Libra Opposite Chiron in Retrograde in Aries

The moon, she pulls at you. Feelings swell and crash inside like the tides. Wanting harmony. Needing to keep the peace. But the hurt, that old aching wound, it bites back.

Chiron jabs at you, a spear to your softened heart. No time for gentle words or soothing tones, not with that old pain flaring up. Defend yourself or be pierced again.

Can't see eye to eye. Can't find the balance. Must lay down swords or be cut by your own blades. Breathe deep and steady. Meet in the middle where you both can live.

No more living for others or for yourself alone. Give love its due but don't forget you bleed too. Find the courage to do what must be done, yet temper it with mercy. For we all have wounds that need tending.

When: 10am – 3pm PDT

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Cancer and Capricorn.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

This transit creates tension between the transformative but potentially destructive energies of Pluto in Capricorn and the instinctual, assertive pull of the North Node in Aries. Change is brewing, but the path forward may not be clear.

Pluto retrograde digs up issues around power, control, and fear. Structures and foundations in our lives, especially related to career or public status, are going through a breakdown and renewal process. However, Pluto retro can deepen ruts of negative patterns.

Meanwhile, the North Node in Aries beckons us toward informed risk-taking, bold new beginnings, and fearless self-discovery. But you may wrestle with self-doubt and hesitancy.

This square asks us to let go of stubbornly clinging to the past or resisting necessary transformations. Yet you must not rush wildly ahead without forethought either. Careful courage and willingness to walk into the fire of change is required. Outdated foundations must be razed to allow new growth.

By answering Aries North Node's call, while channeling Pluto's purging energy in a conscious way, you can move forward into a new phase of empowerment. But the process may be emotionally trying. Perspective and tenacity will carry us through.

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

TUESDAY, July 25

The Moon in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn

The Moon in Libra Sextile Venus Retrograde in Leo

The moon sheds soft light, soothing as a cool cloth on a fevered brow. Venus pauses her dance to preen and rest awhile.

Partnership calls like a gentle melody, but don't lose yourself in someone else's arms. Retrace your steps to remember who you were before.

Echoes of laughter once shared with lovers keep loneliness at bay. But don't cling to gilded memories or expected romance.

Let affection guide you through the night. Keep passion's flame alight, even as it burns low. Stay tender, yet self-reliant.

This is no time for grandiose dreams or bold demands. Simply savor the grace notes. Little kindnesses that cup the heart like the moon cradling Venus to rest.

When: 4am – 10am PDT

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

With Pluto retrograde in Capricorn squaring the North Node in Aries, structures and systems are breaking down amidst a revolutionary spirit of change.

Pluto retrograde represents the need for deep transformation of what is no longer working, while the North Node in Aries points toward taking courageous, decisive action to create change.

The strikes and worker uprisings we're seeing across industries in America signify the masses demanding power structures be radically altered.

People are willing to take bold risks to fight oppressive systems. Pluto in Capricorn speaks to the desire to completely dismantle hierarchical structures that disempower people.

Yet Aries North Node advises such changes must be well-considered versus reactionary. The strikes are meant to construct new systems, not just tear down the old. This is a volatile energy that requires wisdom and integrity of purpose to guide it.

Overall, this transit reflects the worker unrest and demand for revolutionary reform. But change will only be long-lasting if new structures empower the dignity and livelihoods of all people. The strikes are a call to radically transform society into one of greater equality and justice.

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.


The Sun in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries

The Moon in Scorpio Opposite Jupiter in Taurus

Emotions run deep as the river current. Feelings swell and crash against the stubborn banks. Jupiter expansive, wanting to widen the boundaries. The moon secrets things away in shadowed water.

No use trying to rationalize this churning, gushing force within. Accept it for what it is. then aim it like an arrow at worthy targets.

In Taurus, Jupiter sugars the fields, wanting to sow and reap a bountiful harvest. Gluttony and greed must be reined in. Taken only what you need to sustain.

The moon knows our mortal fragility. She sees us stripped bare, our naked humanity. Life must be honored, each breath, not wasted.

Flow between light and dark, joy and sorrow. Extremes when balanced nourish the soul. Neither repress feelings nor let them overflow.

When: 11am – 2pm PDT

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Leo and Aquarius.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

The past's gravitational pull is unrelenting,

Sinking claws into my heels as I try to break free.

Familiar ruts threaten to swallow me whole,

Quicksand visions of what could have been.

Yet ahead lies the path ill-defined -

A winding trail into the wilderness,

Leading where? I cannot see.

Only forward propels this pilgrimage.

My compass quivers, that cardinal fire

Burning impulse to forge ahead.

Though old ghosts cling like leaden shrouds,

I must push on, break out of this dead end.

No time for looking back over my shoulder

At smoldering ruins, those false foundations.

Bare feet bloodied, still I must follow

The red thread pulled taut - leading me onward.

Into the darkness and unknown I plunge,

Shedding dead weight to gain momentum.

Destroying while creating anew, as Pluto decrees -

No more stagnation, only liberation.

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.


The Moon in Gemini Sextile Mercury in Leo

Mercury Conjunct Venus Retrograde in Leo

Standing abreast, Mercury and Venus survey the land - the winged messenger and goddess of love, partners on this journey.

The old lion stretches and rises, shaking off the languor of rest. No time for lounging, not with passions stirring him awake.

Mercury stokes the fires of creativity, spinning tales of adventure lived boldly with heart wide open. Words flow like river currents after the thaw.

In matters of the heart, boldness wins fair maidens. Court with daring feats, not hollow charms. Protect the flame in both hearth and heart.

But remember, tenderfoot, creativity is action, not only fine phrases. Let art be the blood pulsing through your veins, each moment a brushstroke.

Don't seek praise like a dog begs for scraps. Look inward for your worth. Your vision is yours alone to manifest. So make it roar loud and proud.

Venus says pace yourself in loving - don't sprint like a racehorse. Take time to know another's soul, not just pleasures of the flesh.

Adore fully in the moment, for ardor wanes in time. Yet loyalty and kindness will shelter the embers through stormy nights ahead.

When pride wounds those you hold dear, seek not to justify. Make amends then carry on gently. For relationships need care and mending.

Creativity is love manifested in action. Craft each moment a work of art for those you cherish. Let it be the only immortality you seek.

On this path, meet fate with head held high, knowing you honored love to the end. Not all tales have happy endings, yet triumph comes in the living.

When: July 26 - 28

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus and Scorpio.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

Change brews, the path unclear

Old structures start to crumble

Leap ahead with care

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

FRIDAY, July 28

The Sun in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Virgo

The winged messenger flutters anxiously,

Racing through my mind in frantic bursts.

Each thought precisely analyzed, categorized -

Never quite enough to quench this endless thirst.

His earthbound feet pace to and fro,

Seeking order amidst chaos, some logic in this madness.

Ever focused on the flaws, the minute details overlooked -

Perfection always just beyond his manic grasp.

Fragile nerves tuned to frequencies beyond -

Too sensitive for this world of messy imperfection.

An obsessive critic focused on life's minutiae -

Lost examining the threads while missing the grand design.

Restless Mercury, fleet-footed and flighty,

How you endlessly turn in my mind -

Dissecting, processing at lighting speed -

Never slowing to let the puzzle pieces align.

Seeking reason among the madness,

Finding only madness in this endless reason.

Trapped within the maze of my own mind -

Anxious Mercury in exacting Virgo.

When: July 28 – October 4

The Last Time Mercury Transited Through Virgo: August 3 – 25, 2022 and September 23 – October 10, 2022

The Time Before Last: August 11 – 29, 2021

This is an extended stay for Mercury in Virgo due to the impending retrograde. Below are the key dates to lookout for.

August 3 - Mercury Enters Its Retrograde Shadow in Virgo 8°0’

August 23 - Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 21°51’

September 15 - Mercury Direct in Virgo 8°0’

September 29 - Mercury Exits its Retrograde Shadow in Virgo 21°51’

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini and Sagittarius.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

Past shackles cling while the open road beckons -

Oh my soul, pulled between the familiar and the unknown!

Yet transformation brews beyond the crumbling walls -

Forward I plunge, spirit galloping recklessly toward new horizons!

Old structures decay - no use clinging to rotting foundations!

From the rubble, a new self will rise unencumbered by outgrown ways!

Fear not the obscure landscape ahead my soul -

Let Aries' fire embolden you to traverse uncharted territory!

The past may pull with talons sharp, but the future calls too -

Oh praise the North Node's siren song promising purpose anew!

With retrograde fury, Pluto, lord of the underworld, destroys all in his wake.

Yet from the fertile ashes, authenticity takes root and bursts forth!

As structures capsized and traditions overturned, it may seem there is only loss.

But change makes space for the soaring spirit to recreate and renew!

So I abandon the safe harbors and familiar signposts of yesterday. Preferring the open sea's swelling mystery, I embark unrestrained, ready to become. Oh Soul, our journey has just set sail!

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.


The Moon in Cancer Sextile Mars in Virgo

The Moon in Sagittarius Trine Venus Retrograde in Leo

Under the moon's glow, beliefs expand like a prairie sky. A vast horizon, thoughts galloping freely across open terrain. Venus revisits past joys and flames rekindled.

Passions surge like stampeding wild horses when these celestial bodies align. Careful not to trample hearts in untamed ardor.

Optimism and generosity flow in equal measure when the moon and Venus make amends. But take care that confidence doesn't become boastful bluster.

In matters of the heart, feelings fired up are best tempered with patience. Impatience risks burning bridges once built.

With beliefs buoyed, there is temptation to proselytize needlessly, or rest too long on past laurels. Keep perspective when outlooks broaden.

When luck appears overflowing, recall that fortune is fleeting. Channel exuberance into lasting works. Harness enthusiasm to radiate light into other's lives when it shines bright within.

When: 2pm – 8pm PDT

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

The Shades converge - Pluto's Hour descends.

Paused at the precipice, I hesitate.

Cardinal Crossroads intersect, diverge.

Which path, which god, which self to seal my fate?

Capricorn, my foundations stood sturdy.

Hard-won achievements furnished mortal pride.

Yet Aries flames set fire to old securities -

What purpose smolders on the other side?

Temporal trophies now seem ash and rubble,

As Pluto's wand taps, decrees: Decay, undo!

But phoenix-like, my Soul ignites with purpose -

Divine Spark within, guide me - I trust you!

Into the darkened chasm I must fling -

No map, no light, just courage to clear the hurdle.

To manifest my mission, risks I'll take.

Shedding old skin, a new self I'll unfurl.

Square alignments grate and chafe, threaten defeat,

But tension calls me to dissolve what cannot bend.

Released and unencumbered, no more fettered -

I'll follow my Soul's fire, wherever it intends.

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

SUNDAY, July 30

The Moon in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus

The Moon in Capricorn Trine Jupiter in Taurus

The moon builds steady as stone masonry. Jupiter spreads like vines, taking root. A bounty of patience and purpose when these two unite.

Cautious ambition given space to flourish. Gusto for life's pleasures balanced with pragmatism. The scales align toward modest yet sustained growth.

Discipline melds with benevolence under this flowing aspect. But extravagance for its own sake will topple the scales. Enjoy bounty in moderation.

Fortune arrives not just through providence, but determination and toil. Luck favors the persistent and pragmatic. Keep reaching but remain grounded.

With confidence bolstered, avoid complacency. The crest of the wave will eventually ebb. Prepare to weather inevitable lean times with stoicism.

Satisfaction grows steadily not through grand feats, but daily practice and perseverance. Let mastery be your measure, not glory. Keep building, step-by-step. The heights will come into view when you refuse to quit.

When: 3pm – 9pm PDT

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

Well, well now little lady, we've gotten ourselves into quite the pickling jar with this pesky cosmic square dance! Pluto's spun 'round backwards, dredging up issues we thought were good and buried. Meanwhile ol' Goat-horned Capricorn is clinging to status and achievement like a dog to a bone.

Yet that fiery upstart Aries keeps charging ahead, following his heart and devil-may-care spirit. And the Soul's fixated on some newfangled purpose we can't quite make heads or tails of. All tangled up we are!

Now you wanna tear down the dam and rebuild from scratch. But I say hold on there, let's not get ahead of ourselves! Sure, things need a bit of renovation - no denying that. But we can't forget the bedrock we built on either.

Now I know you're inclined to kick up your heels and overhaul life from the ground up. But hold your horses madam! Sure, things need a bit of renovation - no denying that. But we can't forget the bedrock we built on either.

Progress takes some ruffling of feathers and challenging the old guard. But remember, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. So simmer down that fevered temper! We'll get where we oughta go with patience and good humor.

These tense crossroads are testing your mettle, no doubt. A lady must walk the line 'tween past and future with care and grace. Stay cool-headed but don't get complacent. Even a river's gotta bend to reach the sea! For now, I'll be watching this brouhaha with some sweet tea and popcorn, at your service. I know you'll figure it eventually, ma'am!

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then, and beyond, I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.



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