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#171 The Astrology Forecast of the New Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Leo


The themes this week are…

1. Heart

2. Courage

3. Nurture

Are you ready to go on a journey this week?

Read below to learn more about the astrology forecast of the New Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Leo. We begin with the New Moon in Cancer and the North Node transiting into Aries. Set your intentions to courageously nurture your authenticity.

Later in the week the Sun transits into Leo, lighting the flame to open your heart.

Venus and Chiron begin their retrograde transits in Leo and Aries, bringing the total of retrograde planets to five, and continuing with the themes which will encourage you to open your heart in your closest, most personal relationships.

Let your Fire burn bright, so those you come into contact with can see your light.

If you are curious to know how any of the transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

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The Weekly Transit Astrology Podcast

MONDAY, July 17

Mercury in Leo and Mars in Virgo

The New Moon in Cancer

Take a moment to set your intentions on Monday, July 17 at or after 11:32am PDT for the New Moon in Cancer. The themes are…

1. Roots

2. Emotions

3. Nurture

4. Home

Set your intention to delve into your roots, or the past.

Set your intention to honor your emotions.

Set your intention to nurture yourself.

Set your intention to find peace in your home.

What type of individual would you like to nurture besides yourself?

What type of individual would you like to nurture you?

How would you like to be nurtured?

How would you like to nurture others?

What can you learn from reflecting in towards your past?

What can you do to soothe your emotions and the emotions of those you have feelings for?

What can you do to create a peaceful environment in your home?

Cancer is the most sensitive Sign. Tap into your sensitivities in order to surround yourself, and those you are connected to emotionally, with energy that feels nurturing.

When: 11:32am PDT

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries and Libra.


The North Node Retrograde in Aries

The North Node represents the karmic pathway of your Soul, or Soul’s Purpose.

Aries is the Cardinal Fire Sign symbolized by the Ram and ruled by Mars, the God of War, the planet of action, aggression, and conflict.

The South Node, always 180° apart from the North Node, will transit back into Libra, the Cardinal Air Sign symbolized by the Scales and ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, the planet of relationships.

For the next 544 days your Soul will be directed towards self-awareness, while simultaneously calling on you to release any relationships that are unbalanced.

The focus of this frequency is to find partners who reflect your authenticity through expressing yourself authentically.

The four cornerstones to following this frequency are to:

1. Love yourself.

2. Be courageous in defending your self-love.

3. Be confident in your self-expression.

4. Express yourself authentically.

I invite you to enroll in my Introduction to the North Node Class, to learn more about the nature of the North and South Nodes, and what that means for you.

The North Node in Aries: July 17, 2023 - January 11, 2025

Last time the North Node was in Aries: December 25, 2004 - June 22, 2006

The time before the last time that the North Node was in Aries: May 8, 1986 - December 1, 1987

Think back to these dates for clues on what could be in store for you this time around as the North Node transits through Aries.

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Cancer and Capricorn.


Mercury in Leo Square Jupiter in Taurus

Mercury in Leo is bringing a bold expression to your voice.

Jupiter in Taurus is expanding your material needs or well-being.

Are your words writing checks your reality can’t cash?


Perhaps you need that to stretch yourself to a higher standard.

When: July 16 - 18

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

TUESDAY, July 18

The Moon in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

Just as the North Node arrives into Aries it forms a Square with Pluto in Capricorn. These two energetic forces will be within at the exact same degree as each other until August 5.

What must you transform about your personality in order to step into your power as an authority?

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.


The Sun in Cancer Square Chiron in Aries

The Moon Conjunct Mercury in Leo

The Moon forms a conjunction with Mercury once during their transits through Leo, until they meet again in the Sign of the Lion next July 7, 2024.

From the depths of your heart what would you like to communicate about your feelings?

This is your opportunity to roar. To let it out. To be heard. To be felt from your heart.

When: July 10 - 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus and Scorpio.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

Perhaps it is the heart-opening conjunction between the Moon and Mercury in Leo that will push you through the discomfort of the square between the North Node and Pluto.

Challenge yourself to speak up, speak out, and be heard as the authority you are meant to be. Set out to define yourself rather than allow others to define you.

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.


The Moon in Gemini Sextile Mercury in Leo

The Sun in Cancer Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Think back to your past.

Where do you come from?

What is the origin of your story?

Remember that with every great story there is a great arc.

What is the arc of your story?

Do you ever imagine what the ending of your story will be, and how different that ending will be from the beginning?

This is the story where everyone in the theater stands up and cheers, because they have seen the struggle, the growth, and now celebrate the success.

Can you show yourself compassion for your past?

Every main character of every main story has a part of their past they aren’t proud of, but in order to get to where they need to be, they must overcome their past.

In order to overcome your past, you must forgive yourself.

Forgiveness comes from compassion.

Compassion stems from understanding that everyone has parts of themselves that they are not proud of.

Holding the guilt, shame, regret, or blame over yourself is the greatest obstacle you will face in life.

Finding forgiveness will open the pathway for your success.

When: July 18 - 21

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius


Mars in Virgo Opposite Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

If you’re unsure of what you may be feeling guilty for, don’t worry, Mars is there to aggressively burrow into the tiniest corners of your mind to root out any inner overly analytical agitation you are directing at yourself.

Saturn is forcing you to hone in on the details that Mars is uncovering and commit to do the work required to show yourself compassion for any criticisms you may be facing internally.

This aspect is also supporting you to fine tune your intuition.

How can you be more discerning in your intuitive nature?

How can you be more compassionate with yourself when your intuition does not lead you to where you want to be?

Can you be more empathetic with those who are involved with where your intuition leads you?

How can you remain faithful?

In whatever is going on in your life right now, commit to doing the work required to keep the faith that everything that you are experiencing is in accordance with your highest good.

When: July 18 - 22

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini and Sagittarius.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

As the saying goes, then the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Leaders are undeterred when life prevents them from getting to where they want to go. Instead, they recenter, and absolve themselves from past mistakes through their present actions.

What are you doing right now to improve yourself for tomorrow?

Blaming yourself for yesterday will only deter you from succeeding today.

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

FRIDAY, July 21

The Sun in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Leo Trine Chiron in Aries

Assisting you in facing your fears is Mercury in Leo forming a supportive trine with Chiron in Aries.

What are you most insecure about?

What closes your heart?

Are you hiding from love?

You deserve to be loved.

Love begins with yourself.

If you are afraid that you cannot be loved.

Open your heart and face these fears.

Recognize that an open heart has the power to heal your pride.

Roar, boldly, courageously so that everyone you come into contact with knows exactly who you are.

When: July 20 - 23

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn


The Sun in Cancer Opposite Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries Square the Sun in Cancer

Maybe it’s something from your past. In fact, that’s exactly what it is. You just have to be willing to dig into the sand to find it, if you are unsure what is holding you back from ascending to your goals.

Where do your fears stem from?

What are the origins of your fears?

Who planted the seeds of fears within you, and do you have the courage to pull them out by the root?

The aspect between Mercury in Leo and Chiron in Aries will assist you in achieving this aim.

It takes great courage to open your heart, because your heart is vulnerable. The irony though, is there is nothing stronger than an open heart. There is great strength in vulnerability.

Once you recognize that nobody else can be you, and to be you is an incredible power because there is only one you, that is when you will reach your success. The fear is that you are unlike everyone else, but so too is the strength.

To be weird is to be special, unique, or different. This is what sets you apart from everyone else. Having confidence in what makes you, you, is what elevates you into a position of power, because nobody can tell you how to be you, except for you.

The Sun aligns with Pluto and the North Node: July 20 - 23

Pluto Squares the North Node: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.


The Moon in Cancer Sextile Mars in Virgo

The Sun in Leo

The Sun returns home, to the Sign it rules, the Fixed Fire Sign symbolized by the Lion, Leo.

There is no greater placement for the Sun to be when you are calling for the confidence needed to open your heart and to be yourself, as Leo rules the Heart.

The Sun is the center of the Solar System. Without the Sun, we would not exist.

The Heart is the most important organ in the body, it is the first organ that is developed in utero.

When your heart is open, you are having fun, you are laughing, enjoying life, and are willing to play.

For the next 30-days, set yourself loose and enjoy yourself. Create. Play. Be dramatic, if need be, for the purpose of igniting the core of yourself.

This is the time of year to follow your heart. You will follow your heart by following your joy.

Therefore the three keys to living life to the fullest during Leo Season is to:

1. Have fun.

2. Play.

3. Create.

You’ll know your heart is closed if you are unable to do the above, at which point you may need to refrain from being a black hole that sucks the energy out of others.

When: July 22 – August 23

The Sun transits through Leo every year between July 22 and August 22 or 23, depending on where you are in the world and what time it is where you are.

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus and Scorpio.


Venus Retrograde in Leo

The moment has arrived. Venus has been stuck at 28° in Leo since Monday, July 17, and will remain at 28° until Friday, July 28.

That’s 12-days at 28°.

Venus typically spends about a day at each degree.

However, due to the impending retrograde transit, Venus has been stuck at 28°

Those who were born in between October and December of 1994, or May and October of 1995 may be experiencing a powerful transformation to your relationship energy. Perhaps it is a breakup, the relationship is just transforming in a profound way. Be open to the transformation, rather than resist the inevitable. Trust that whatever the transformation that is occurring, it is occurring to open your heart.

For the rest of you, use this time to reflect on who you are in your close, personal relationships.

What kind of partner are you?

Are you engaging with an open heart in your relationships or are you holding back in some way?

Are your partners opening their hearts with you, or are they holding back in some way?

How can you be more playful and fun in the way you approach your relationships?

The fact that the Sun transits into Leo the same day as Venus begins its retrograde transit in Leo could be just the spark you need to ignite your heart to love, boldly like never before.

Rewrite the past, by loving even more in the present.

When: Venus enters its Retrograde Shadow in Leo 12°12’ on June 19

Venus Retrograde in Leo 28°36’ on July 22

Venus Direct in Leo 12°12’ on September 3

Venus exits its Retrograde Shadow in Leo 28°36’ on October 7

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus and Scorpio.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

It is through opening your heart that you will find the courage to be yourself, and through being yourself you will harness the strength to climb to the top of your achievement.

You deserve to succeed.

You deserve to step into your power as an authority.

You have a gift.

It is your gift that must be shared with the rest of us.

By opening your heart, you will open your gift.

By sharing your gift, you will be exalted into a position of authority, of responsibility, one who holds themselves accountable for sharing the gift of their life with those they come into contact with.

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

SUNDAY, July 23

The Moon in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus

When you open your heart and roar, you will shock those who hear you, just as the Lion frightens those who hear its roar.

This is how you set the tone.

Shock the hearts of others by freeing your own heart.

Rattle the ground.

Shake the foundation.

Your heart is here to wake others to the love they desire to discover within themselves.

When: July 22 - 24

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.


Chiron Retrograde in Aries

Chiron joins the retrograde party with Venus, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto.

Backwards shifting is everything.

Upon your fears you must reflect.

For months we’ve been stuck in the mud with most of the planets transiting through Earth and Water.

Now the Fire is raging, with the Sun, Mercury (though it transits into Earth tomorrow), Venus, Chiron, and the North Node all in Fire Signs.

This is the moment of the story where the hero awakens from the dead, refueled and re-energized to re-claim what is rightfully theirs.

What is this for you?

What have you been hiding from?

What have you been afraid of?

What has been holding you back from the very sake of your being?

How can you light up the world with love?

Courage stems from love, so to be courageous is to be loving.

Use the fire that rages within you to bring warmth to the world.


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Square the North Node Retrograde in Aries

Whatever perceived authority figures or entities have been suppressing you, now is the time to use the fuel of your heart to burst over any obstacles which stand in your way.

It is your time to stand on the peak of the mountain.

When: July 17 – August 13

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then, and beyond, I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.




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