The themes this week's Astrology Forecast are…
1. Origins
2. Values
3. Heart
Mercury begins transit in Cancer this week, bringing conscious awareness and an emotional verbal expression to the Sign that represents the origins of your existence on Earth, reflecting the energy of the Sun, which did the same last week.
The messenger of the gods, Mercury will catch up to and pass the Sun this week, awakening your mind. As it does, continue to delve into your past, your roots, your childhood, for insight into your present reality.
Taurus is represented four days this week with Jupiter, Uranus, and the North Node bringing attention to your values.
Venus and Mars in Leo enliven your senses and drive from the core of your heart.
There could be some dramatic ships in your relationships this week, but they are meant to heal your heart, and invigorate you to express yourself boldly.
Check out the podcast through the link below...
If you are curious to know how any of the transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.
Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!
MONDAY, June 26

Mercury in Cancer
Mercury is the messenger of the gods, guide of souls to the underworld, the planet of consciousness and communication.
Symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon, the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer represents the comforts of home, nurturing, caring and kindness.
When the planet of communication transits through the Sign ruled by the Moon, you mind find yourself being more emotional in your thoughts and verbal expression.
You may be more sensitive in your mind, and in the conversations you have with others.
Three keys to Cancer are being caring, kind, and nurturing.
Cancer also represents the past, your roots, upbringing or childhood, the ones who raised and nurtured you, and your ancestors. This could be a good time to reflect upon your past, and nurture yourself through the journey of conscious memories.
How can I be more kind in my communication?
How can I be a more caring listener?
What can I do to use my words to nurture others?
What conscious thoughts are stemming from my past?
Who from my past would I like to communicate with?
With Mercury transiting through the Sign of emotions, there may be more of an emotional expression to your conversations.
Listen and speak with kindness.
Nurture others through expression of your words.
Be kind to yourself in your thoughts.
When you think of the past, nurture yourself with kindness.
When: June 26 – July 10, 2023
Last Time: July 4 – 19, 2022
Time Before Last: July 11 – 27, 2021
Think back to what was occurring on these dates for clues on what could be in store for you this time around as Mercury transits through Cancer.
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries and Libra.
Mars in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus
Mars is the god of war, the planet of action, aggression and conflict.
Uranus is the primordial sky god, planet of revolution, rebellion, innovation, independence and the unexpected.
Symbolized by the Lion, the Fixed Fire sign of Leo represents bold, confident sovereignty.
Symbolized by the Bull, the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus represents all material matters, including art, culture, food, and finance.
Together, Mars and Jupiter form a Square, which is a stressful aspect. The alignment is stressful because they are each in Fixed Signs with conflicting Elements. Fire scorches the Earth while Earth extinguishes Fire.
Mars is driving you to follow your heart, as Uranus is shaking your foundation.
How can you follow your heart and take the risk of following your heart if your foundation is unstable?
What can you do to ground into the material, honoring your self-worth and your values?
Are your values in alignment with the desires of your heart?
Are you valuing yourself in a way that makes your heart feel open, or is your heart shuttered by the strain of your reality?
What are you doing to break the tension between your reality and your heart’s desire?
Potentially radical changes may be in the works. Trust what you are feeling in your heart and if it’s closed, take the risk to open it, despite your fears.
Harness the courage to make a bold choice, one that is uniquely you, and one that shakes your reality in the most exciting way.
Learn more about Mars in Leo.
When: June 23 - 28
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
TUESDAY, June 27
Mercury in Cancer Sextile the North Node in Taurus

Mercury is the messenger of the gods, guide of souls to the underworld, the planet of consciousness and communication.
The North Node is the karmic pathway of the Soul or Soul’s purpose.
Symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon, the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer represents the comforts of home, nurturing, caring and kindness.
Symbolized by the Bull, the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus represents all material matters, including art, culture, food, and finance.
Together, Mercury and the North Node form a Sextile, which is harmonious. The alignment is harmonious because it is between two heavenly bodies that connect through two Elements that are different, but complementary, such as Water and Earth. Water nurtures the Earth while Earth gives Water form.
The planet of the conscious mind (Mercury) transiting through the Sign that represents the past (Cancer), aligns with the Soul’s Purpose (the North Node) in the Sign that represents your values (Taurus).
Where do your values stem from?
Do they stem from your parents, your ancestors, an experience you had on the school yard, or in the classroom at school?
Was it a film, a television show, or sporting event you watched as a child that left an impression on you, which set your values?
Do your values nurture your life, if so, how so, if not, what is their practical purpose in your life?
Take these days to reflect upon the origins of your values. When you revisit your younger self and past experiences, show yourself kindness.
Understand that whatever the reason for adopting your values was what you needed to do at that time in your life to feel safe. If any of these values no longer reflect the person you are today, let them go with an appreciation for their purpose.
When: June 26 - 28
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.

The Sun in Cancer Trine the Moon in Scorpio Trine Saturn Retrograde in Pisces Trine the Sun in Cancer
The Sun is the giver of light, life and vitality wherever it goes.
The Moon represents the emotions, the roots, those who nurtured you, and the home.
Saturn is the god of wealth and time, planet of authority, restriction and mastery.
Symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon, the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer represents the comforts of home, nurturing, caring and kindness.
Symbolized by the Scorpion, the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio represents secrets, psychic awareness and the world beyond the material.
Symbolized by the Fish, the Mutable Water sign of Pisces represents intuition, compassion, dreams and the unconscious.
Together, the Sun, Moon, and Saturn form a Grand Trine, which is a supportive aspect. The alignment is supportive because it is between heavenly bodies in different signs of the same Element, Water.
Three planets, the planet of vitality (the Sun), the planet of emotions (the Moon), and the planet of responsibility (Saturn) each align together from the three Water Signs.
The technical term for this alignment is a Grand Trine, or even more specifically, a Grand Water Trine.
The Sun is bringing vitality to your past (Cancer).
The Moon is bringing emotional sensitivity to your secrets (Scorpio).
Saturn is urging you to take responsibility for your unconscious (Pisces).
Put them all together and now is a time for you to face the origins of the secrets that you keep deep within your unconscious.
In what ways can you take responsibility for your past?
In what ways may you be unconsciously sabotaging your intimate relationships because of experiences you have from your past?
How can you show yourself compassion and empathy to those you are intimate with in order to heal your past experiences?
Get deep.
Look within.
Reflect on what you find, where it stems from, and how it causes shame, guilt, regret, or blame in your life.
Compassionately nurture yourself and the ones you love with kindness.
Healing through emotional expression is on the menu for the day and the days surrounding today.
Learn more about the Sun in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces.
Moon aspects with the Sun and Saturn: 11am – 5pm PDT
The Sun aspects with Saturn: June 27 – 29
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.

Mercury in Cancer Trine Saturn Retrograde in Pisces
Mercury is the messenger of the gods, guide of souls to the underworld, the planet of consciousness and communication.
Saturn is the god of wealth and time, planet of authority, restriction and mastery.
Symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon, the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer represents the comforts of home, nurturing, caring and kindness.
Symbolized by the Fish, the Mutable Water sign of Pisces represents intuition, compassion, dreams and the unconscious.
Together, Mercury and Saturn form a Trine, which is a supportive aspect. The alignment is supportive because it is between two heavenly bodies in different signs of the same Element, Water.
Continuing with the themes of yesterday, Mercury takes the place of the Sun in its alignment with Saturn.
You may be feeling a concentrated awareness of what you have been experiencing over the past few days, especially since yesterday.
The challenge is to focus your mind on how your past has influenced your unconscious programing.
What are the most challenging questions to ask yourself for the purpose of uncovering your thought patterns?
What are the memories that torment you from your past?
What memories from your past have you buried in the depths of your mind?
How can you be more caring and compassionate with the way you speak to yourself, and those you are emotionally tied to?
Be sensitive to yourself in your thoughts and the way you speak to others.
Nurture yourself with kind, caring, compassionate words.
When: June 29 - 30
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.
Venus in Leo Trine Chiron in Aries
Venus is lady luck, the goddess of love and beauty, planet of relationships.
Chiron is the wound and the ancient wisdom unlocked through the healing of that wound.
Symbolized by the Lion, the Fixed Fire sign of Leo represents bold, confident sovereignty.
Symbolized by the Ram, and ruled by Mars, the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries represents action, courage, and leadership.
Together, Venus and Chiron form a Trine, which is a supportive aspect. The alignment is supportive because it is between two heavenly bodies in different signs of the same Element, Fire.
The planet of relationships (Venus) transits through the Sign that rules the Heart (Leo) as it aspects the wound (Chiron) in the Sign of self-confidence (Aries).
What are your greatest fears in your relationships?
Are you afraid that if you break up with a friend, a lover, or a business partner, you will be making a mistake?
Are you afraid that if you stay together, you will be making a mistake?
How does your heart feel when you think about each individual you are in relationships with?
Does it feel open or closed?
Do you feel excited or crestfallen?
Face your greatest fears in your close, personal relationships and make the bold choice that is authentic to you, that opens your heart.
Learn more about Venus in Leo.
When: June 26 – 30
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.
FRIDAY, June 30

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
Neptune is the god of freshwater and the sea, the planet of illusion, fantasy, faith, and the planetary ruler of Pisces.
Symbolized by the Fish, the Mutable Water sign of Pisces represents intuition, compassion, dreams and the unconscious.
Rewind the dream.
Go deeper.
What can you do to reflect upon your deepest innermost thoughts?
Are you willing to dip into your shadow and experience who you are in the darkness?
What happens when you delve so far into your unconscious that you don’t know what is real or what is imagined?
Look at the dates and degrees below.
What in your astrological code is between 24° - 27° in Water Signs, Earth Signs, and Mutable Signs?
These are the areas of your life where you may find yourself feeling confused. Perhaps you are experiencing a loss of faith.
Whatever your sense of loss, maybe it is meant to draw you deeper into the darkest realms of your unconscious for the purpose of self-discovery.
It is through this self-discovery where you can reclaim your faith and reimagine a dream for yourself to thrive.
When: Neptune enters its Retrograde Shadow in Pisces 24°53’ on March 9, 2023
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 27°41’ on June 30, 2023
Neptune Direct in Pisces 24°53’ on December 6, 2023
Neptune exits its Retrograde Shadow in Pisces 27°41’ on March 26, 2024
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini and Sagittarius.

The Sun Conjunct Mercury in Cancer Sextile Jupiter in Taurus
The Sun is the giver of light, life and vitality wherever it goes.
Mercury is the messenger of the gods, guide of souls to the underworld, the planet of consciousness and communication.
Jupiter is the god of thunder, lord of justice, planet of luck and expansion.
Symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon, the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer represents the comforts of home, nurturing, caring and kindness.
Symbolized by the Bull, the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus represents all material matters, including art, culture, food, and finance.
Together, the Sun and Mercury form a Conjunction which is a powerful aspect where two heavenly bodies arrive at the same degree in the same sign.
Together, the Sun and Mercury form a Sextile with Jupiter, which is harmonious. The alignment is harmonious because it is between two heavenly bodies that connect through two Elements that are different, but complementary, such as Water and Earth. Water nurtures the Earth while Earth gives Water form.
When the giver of light, life, and vitality (the Sun) aligns with the planet of consciousness (Mercury) it provides a unique opportunity, which occurs only seven times this year.
This particular occurrence of illuminated conscious awareness is in accordance with two of our main themes of the week, origins, and values.
Origins being the alignment of the Sun and Mercury in Cancer and values being the Sun and Mercury’s alignment with Jupiter in Taurus.
Take a focused, expanded look at the origins of your values and hone in on how those values will play into your future plans.
Learn more about Jupiter in Taurus.
When: June 29 – July 2
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.
SUNDAY, July 2

The Moon in Sagittarius Square Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
The Moon represents the emotions, the roots, those who nurtured you, and the home.
Neptune is the god of freshwater and the sea, the planet of illusion, fantasy, faith, and the planetary ruler of Pisces.
Symbolized by the Archer, the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius represents truth, justice, and freedom.
Symbolized by the Fish, the Mutable Water sign of Pisces represents intuition, compassion, dreams and the unconscious.
Together, the Moon and Neptune form a Square, which is a stressful aspect. The alignment is stressful because they are each in Mutable Signs with conflicting Elements. Fire boils the Water while Water extinguishes Fire.
How can you be more compassionately honest in your emotional expression?
What can you do to be truthful while also empathetic with how whoever you are sharing your emotions with may experience your feelings?
In what ways can you exhibit faith in the way you express your emotions by being both truthful and compassionate?
Sometimes being too forthright may scare away whoever you want to share your emotions with.
Other times, being too vague may require you to bluntly express what you are feeling.
Use the aspect to find the balance between the two.
When: June 23 - 27
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus
Venus is lady luck, the goddess of love and beauty, planet of relationships.
Uranus is the primordial sky god, planet of revolution, rebellion, innovation, independence and the unexpected.
Symbolized by the Lion, the Fixed Fire sign of Leo represents bold, confident sovereignty.
Symbolized by the Bull, the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus represents all material matters, including art, culture, food, and finance.
Together, Venus and Uranus form a Square, which is a stressful aspect. The alignment is stressful because they are each in Fixed Signs with conflicting Elements. Fire scorches the Earth while Earth extinguishes Fire.
The planet of relationships (Venus) transiting through the Sign that rules the heart (Leo) aspects the planet of revolution (Uranus) in the sign that represents values (Taurus).
Brace yourself for a shakeup to your relationships. Even if you have seen it coming, it may still feel completely shocking.
Whatever is rattling your relationships right now, go with the flow, rather than cling to the way things have always been.
The shift you are experiencing is meant to move the energy that is stuck, so that your heart can open and your values be honored, reflected, and respected by those you are meant to love.
When: June 29 – July 4
This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then, and beyond, I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.