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#167 June 19 - 25: The Sun in Cancer


Scott discusses a new class he is teaching this Saturday, called the Basics of Astrology.

Ingrid shares the uncovering of her family dynamics, which is perfect for Cancer season, surrounding her Mom’s broken arm, and her Father’s shortness of breath.

There is certainly a lot happening this week astrologically between the Sun beginning it’s transit through Cancer, Venus entering it’s retrograde shadow in Leo, and the height of a two week alignment between Jupiter and Saturn. Mercury in Gemini and Mars in Leo are also making their share of noise this week.

Put it all together and you are being pushed to reflect upon your values, your inner world, the nature of your heart, and where this all stems from in the origin of your story.

Ask questions of yourself, and of those around you in order to receiver greater insight into who you are, why you are here, and what you want to manifest for your life.

Check out the podcast through the link below...

The Weekly Transit Astrology Podcast

The themes this week are…

1. Origins

2. Values

3. Consciousness

The Sun begins transit in Cancer this week, bringing light, life, and vitality to the Sign that represents the origins of your existence on Earth. Delve into your past, your roots, your childhood, for insight into your present reality.

Taurus is represented every day this week with either Jupiter, Uranus, or the North Node making an appearance each day, and bringing attention to your values.

The tension between your conscious and unconscious minds is strained this week, as Mercury in Gemini, the Sign of the Conscious, and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, the Sign of the Unconscious each play major roles this week.

Not to mention, Venus slides into its retrograde shadow this week, urging you to open your heart in your relationships.

If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

MONDAY, June 19

The Moon in Capricorn Trine the North Node Retrograde in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus Sextile Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

Jupiter is the god of thunder, lord of justice, planet of luck and expansion, and the Planetary Ruler of Pisces.

Saturn is the god of wealth and time, planet of authority, restriction and mastery.

Symbolized by the Bull, the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus represents all material matters, including art, culture, food, and finance.

Symbolized by the Fish and ruled by Jupiter, the Mutable Water sign of Pisces represents intuition, compassion, dreams and the unconscious.

Together, Jupiter and Saturn form a Sextile, which is harmonious. The alignment is harmonious because it is between two heavenly bodies that connect through two Elements that are different, but complementary, such as Earth and Water. Earth gives Water form while Water nurtures the Earth.

The aspect between Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces has been strong since June 14, but it intensifies today. Setting the tone for the week this aspect brings you an opportunity to manifest your dreams into reality.

We will cover this in greater detail in the days ahead.

When: June 14 - 24

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.


Venus in Leo Enters its Retrograde Shadow

Venus is lady luck, the goddess of love and beauty, planet of relationships.

Symbolized by the Lion, the Fixed Fire sign of Leo represents bold, confident sovereignty.

Leo rules the Heart, the most important organ in the body. The heart is the first organ that is developed in utero.

The Sun is the center of the solar system, without there is no life on Earth.

The Lion is the King of the Jungle. Its roar can be heard from miles away. It is the creature that most people want to see whether they are going to the zoo or on Safari in Africa.

Typically, Venus spends about three and half to four weeks in a Sign, but since it will be retrograde its stay in Leo will last four months.

This extended stay of Venus in Leo is gearing you to open your heart in your close, personal relationships.

Think about where you want to be in these relationships by early October. Between now and then, think of this as your opportunity to play in your relationships.

Shine bright like a star.

Express yourself dramatically if need be.

Now is the time to play.

Take some time to connect with those you are in relationship with, your lovers, friends, and business partners. Make them aware of the energy at hand, so you can let loose and express your heart fully.

On the flip side, give your partners the space to express themselves boldly.

By creating a safe place for yourself and those you are in a relationship with, you have the opportunity to break down the barriers of your heart, to express, and explore your desires.

Learn more about Venus in Leo.

When: Venus enters its Retrograde Shadow in Leo 12°12’ on June 19

Venus Retrograde in Leo 28°36’ on July 22

Venus Direct in Leo 12°12’ on September 3

Venus exits its Retrograde Shadow in Leo 28°36’ on October 7

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus and Scorpio.

TUESDAY, June 20

The Moon in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces

The Sun Conjunct Uranus in Taurus and Mercury Retrograde Sextile Saturn in Pisces

The Moon represents the emotions, the roots, those who nurtured you, and the home.

Neptune is the god of freshwater and the sea, the planet of illusion, fantasy, faith, and the planetary ruler of Pisces.

Symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon, the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer represents the comforts of home, nurturing, caring and kindness.

Symbolized by the Fish, and ruled by Neptune the Mutable Water sign of Pisces represents intuition, compassion, dreams and the unconscious.

Together, the Moon and Neptune form a Trine, which is a supportive aspect. The alignment is supportive because it is between two heavenly bodies in different signs of the same Element, Water.

The Moon and Neptune form a Trine from the Signs they rule as they have been every 28-days at varying degrees since 2012.

The opportunity here is to delve into your past, childhood, reflect on those who nurtured you and your ancestors.

How have these experiences or your roots influenced your inner world or unconscious?

What guilt, shame, regret, or blame are you placing on yourself or feeling due to this history?

Nurture yourself with kindness, and show yourself compassion so you can integrate these thought patterns and memories with understanding, forgiveness and love for yourself.

When: 7am – 1pm PDT

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.


Jupiter in Taurus Sextile Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

How can you appreciate your self-worth in order to manifest your dreams into reality?

When: June 14 - 24

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.


Venus in Cancer Sextile the North Node Retrograde in Taurus and Mercury Retrograde Sextile Saturn in Pisces

The Sun in Cancer

The Sun is the giver of light, life and vitality wherever it goes.

Symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon, the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer represents the comforts of home, nurturing, caring and kindness.

For the next 30-days the Sun will be bringing its light, life and vitality to the Cardinal Water Sign of Cancer.

The Four Cornerstones of Cancer are…

1. Roots

2. Childhood

3. Home

4. Mother

Cancer rules the breasts and the stomach.

The breasts represent what feeds you.

The stomach represents what must be nourished.

What is your gut telling you?

What can you learn about your past or ancestry?

What can you do to create a home life that nurtures you?

Can you nurture your past-self through your childhood memories?

How can you be more kind and caring to others and yourself?

What nurtures you?

What does it mean to be kind?

What does it mean to care for yourself and others?

There will be greater sensitivity during this period, which will in turn support you in being aware of your feelings and the feelings of others. Be kind, but allow your emotions to flow.

This Time: June 21 - July 22, 2023

Every Time: June 20/21 - July 22 depending on where and when

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries and Libra. If you are unsure of where you have planets in Aries and Libra, or if you know where your planets in Aries and Libra are but would like guidance in navigating this transit, contact me for a reading.


Mercury in Gemini Sextile Mars in Leo Trine Chiron in Aries Sextile Mercury in Gemini

Mercury is the messenger of the gods, guide of souls to the underworld, the planet of consciousness and communication, and planetary ruler of Gemini.

Mars is the god of war, the planet of action, aggression, conflict, and the planetary ruler of Aries.

Chiron is the wound and the ancient wisdom unlocked through the healing of that wound.

Symbolized by the Twins, and ruled by Mercury, the Mutable Air sign of Gemini represents consciousness, communication, coordination and connectivity.

Symbolized by the Lion, the Fixed Fire sign of Leo represents bold, confident sovereignty.

Symbolized by the Ram, and ruled by Mars, the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries represents action, courage, and leadership.

Together, Mercury forms a Sextile with Mars and Chiron which is harmonious. The alignment is harmonious because it is between two heavenly bodies that connect through two Elements that are different, but complementary, such as Air and Fire. Air fuels Fire while Fire raises the Air.

Together, Mars and Chiron form a Trine, which is a supportive aspect. The alignment is supportive because it is between two heavenly bodies in different signs of the same Element, Fire.

What is your heart curious to know?

What questions are you afraid to ask?

What answers are you insecure to hear?

Do you find yourself talking over people to fill the space?

Are you afraid to listen?

What thoughts or words would drive your heart into action?

The Sun begins its transit through Cancer the same day as Mercury in Gemini aligns with Mars in Leo and Chiron in Aries.

Kick down the door to the past.

Run towards your fears.

Break your heart open and express your desires.

When: Mercury aspects Mars and Chiron most strongly between June 20 – 22.

Mars and Chiron aspect each other most strongly between June 20 – 23.

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.


Jupiter in Taurus Sextile Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

What doubts do you experience internally that restrict your material abundance?

In what ways is your unconscious creating a lack in your physical reality?

When: June 14 - 24

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.


The Moon in Aquarius Square the North Node Retrograde in Taurus and Mercury Retrograde Sextile Saturn in Pisces

The Moon Conjunct Mars in Leo Trine Chiron in Aries

The Moon represents the emotions, the roots, those who nurtured you, and the home.

Mars is the god of war, the planet of action, aggression and conflict.

Chiron is the wound and the ancient wisdom unlocked through the healing of that wound.

Symbolized by the Lion, the Fixed Fire sign of Leo represents bold, confident sovereignty.

Symbolized by the Ram, and ruled by Mars, the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries represents action, courage, and leadership.

Together, the Moon and Mars form a Conjunction which is a powerful aspect where two heavenly bodies arrive at the same degree in the same Sign.

Together, the Moon and Mars form a Trine with Chiron which is a supportive aspect. The alignment is supportive because it is between heavenly bodies in different signs of the same Element, Fire.

Drama alert!

The Moon in Leo can stir up emotional drama on its own let alone when it joins forces with Mars.

Are you roaring out of fear or love, rage or excitement?

What is your reasoning to bring attention to yourself?

If you had the power of a Lion, how would you use that power?

Are you being tyrannical or benevolent in your emotional expression?

Refrain from suppressing whatever you are feeling. Let it out rather than allow it to fester. For better or worse, you are clearing the energy that has kept you stuck.

Learn more about Mercury in Gemini and Mars in Leo.

When: The Moon aspects Mars and Chiron between 3am – 9am PDT

Mars and Chiron aspect each other most strongly between June 20 – 23.

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.


Jupiter in Taurus Sextile Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

In what ways do you feel undeserving of whatever it is you desire?

Do you trust your intuition to bring abundance into your life?

When: June 14 - 24

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.

FRIDAY, June 23

Venus in Cancer Sextile Mercury Retrograde Sextile Saturn in Pisces Trine Venus in Cancer

The Sun in Cancer Sextile the North Node Retrograde in Taurus

The Sun is the giver of light, life and vitality wherever it goes.

The North Node is the karmic pathway of the Soul or Soul’s purpose.

Symbolized by the Crab and ruled by the Moon, the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer represents the comforts of home, nurturing, caring and kindness.

Symbolized by the Bull, the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus represents all material matters, including art, culture, food, and finance.

Together, the Sun and Saturn form a Sextile, which is harmonious. The alignment is harmonious because it is between two heavenly bodies that connect through two Elements that are different, but complementary, such as Water and Earth. Water nurtures the Earth while Earth gives Water form.

What are the origins of your values?

What is the origin of your self-worth?

Did those who nurtured you instill values within you?

How can you heal your past in order to improve your self-worth?

Remember that you are a divine, unique Soul, with values that are truly immeasurable within the material realm.

For better or worse, however, this is where we are. Therefore it is up to you to nurture yourself in the way that you need to improve your self-worth.

When: June 22 – 24

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.


Jupiter in Taurus Sextile Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

Commit to doing the work required to honor your self-worth by adhering to your values.

Trusting your intuition is an example of honoring your self-worth.

Sticking to what you value represents the faith you have in yourself, and in the higher power that created you.

It is from this foundation that you will manifest your dreams.

When: June 14 - 24

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.


The Moon in Pisces Sextile the North Node Retrograde in Taurus

The New Moon in Gemini

The Moon in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus

The Moon represents the emotions, the roots, those who nurtured you, and the home.

Uranus is the primordial sky god, planet of revolution, rebellion, innovation, independence and the unexpected.

Symbolized by the Virgin, the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo represents analytics, details, efficiency, humility, service, perfection and health.

Symbolized by the Bull, the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus represents all material matters, including art, culture, food, and finance.

Together, Mars and Jupiter form a Trine, which is a supportive aspect. The alignment is supportive because it is between two heavenly bodies in different signs of the same Element, Earth.

Take a critical look at your self-worth and values.

What can you eliminate from your daily routine or diet in order to create an efficiency that will build a foundation for you to thrive in your life?

What makes you different from everyone else?

How can you respect your individuality?

Trim the fat.

Get lean.

Be yourself.

When: 7pm (6/24) – 1am (6/25) PDT

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.

SUNDAY, June 25

Mercury Direct in Taurus

Mercury in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces

Mercury is the messenger of the gods, guide of souls to the underworld, the planet of consciousness and communication, and planetary ruler of Gemini.

Neptune is the god of freshwater and the sea, the planet of illusion, fantasy, faith, and the planetary ruler of Pisces.

Symbolized by the Twins, and ruled by Mercury, the Mutable Air sign of Gemini represents consciousness, communication, coordination and connectivity.

Symbolized by the Fish, and ruled by Neptune, the Mutable Water sign of Pisces represents intuition, compassion, dreams, the unconscious, and ruled by Neptune.

Together, Mercury and Neptune form a Square, which is a stressful aspect. The alignment is stressful because they are each in Mutable Signs with conflicting Elements. Air and Water do not mix.

Two planets in positions of power squaring off with one another for a battle of the mind.

Mercury represents the conscious mind.

Neptune represents the unconscious mind.

What would you like to bring to the surface of your mind?

Is there something deep within you that needs to be revealed to yourself?

Where you are feeling doubt, how can you uncover the facts?

Refrain from making assumptions.

Back up your faith with facts.

Strengthen your intuition by gathering more information.

Bring compassion along with your curiosity.

When: June 24 - 25

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.


Mars in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus

Mars is the god of war, the planet of action, aggression, conflict, and the planetary ruler of Aries.

Uranus is the primordial sky god, planet of revolution, rebellion, innovation, independence and the unexpected.

Symbolized by the Bull, the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus represents all material matters, including art, culture, food, and finance.

Symbolized by the Lion, the Fixed Fire sign of Leo represents bold, confident sovereignty.

Together, Mars and Uranus form a Square, which is a stressful aspect. The alignment is stressful because they are each in Cardinal Signs with conflicting Elements. Fire scorches the Earth while Earth extinguishes Fire.

What desires of your heart are being strained by your material reality?

The tension between fun and practicality is palpable. Lean into both ends and push yourself to the limit. These are the growing pains that will strengthen your foundation, so you can enjoy yourself through your grounded reality.

When: June 23 - 27

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then, and beyond, I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.




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