The themes of the week are Honesty, Compassion, and Responsibility, which has inspired Ingrid to take a compassionately honest look at her relationships, and hold herself responsible for the partners she has been choosing.
Scott illuminates the meaning astrologically for Ingrid’s new epiphany, before delving into his new love for the show he once hated, The White Lotus, which also highlights the present relationship energy.
Mercury moves into its retrograde shadow this week, so make sure you are putting your plans into motion for what you want to accomplish during Q1 of 2023.
Plus we answered questions about what it means to have the North Node aligned with the Sun.
Check out the podcast through the link below...
The themes this week are…
1. Honesty
2. Compassion
3. Responsibility
Set yourself free during this last full week of the Sun in Sagittarius. Open yourself up and give yourself the freedom of expression you desire. Any last-minute preparations to the plans you intend to execute in the coming weeks and months should be made now.
Mercury enters its retrograde shadow this week, so take stock of where you are in all aspects of your life, especially with regards to your goals and aspirations.
What areas do you want to focus on between now and February 6 when Mercury exits its retrograde shadow? Hone in on these areas rather than venturing out into new endeavors.
Be extra patient with yourself and others if things begin to move slower than your desired pace in the coming weeks.
The Moon transits through Leo, Virgo, and Libra this week. The focus here is to open your heart, analyze what you see, and gracefully find the balance in all areas of your life, especially your relationships.
If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.
Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!
MONDAY, December 12
The Sun in Sagittarius Sextile Saturn in Aquarius
The week begins with the Sun in Sagittarius aligning with Saturn in Aquarius, a beautiful way to begin the week.
You are being supported in leveling up.
Take responsibility for your truth.
Are you willing take responsibility for your role within the group context?
What can you do to take responsibility for your role within the group context?
What can you do to honestly express yourself within your community?
Can you speak honestly to the authority within your community?
What can you learn from those within your community?
How can you freely express your independence, or individuality within the group context?
When: December 10 – 14
Mercury enters its Retrograde Shadow
As noted in the intro, take stock of everything that is currently on your plate. The focus from now until February 6 is on everything you are currently working on. Refrain from adding anything new to your responsibilities, and instead focus your energy on what you are already holding yourself accountable for.
What would you like to accomplish between now and December 29, January 18, and February 6?
In what ways can you speak with greater authority?
How can you claim your authority through your thoughts and words?
Are you willing to take responsibility for your thoughts and the words you choose to express your thoughts?
Retrograde Shadow: December 12, 2022 at 8°8’
Retrograde: December 29, 2022 at 24°21’
End of Retrograde: January 18, 2023 at 8°8’
Retrograde Shadow: February 6, 2023 at 24°21’
TUESDAY, December 13
The Sun in Sagittarius Trine the Moon in Leo
Find you joy. Whatever it is that makes your heart sing, and supports you in feeling carefree. It is through these moments of joy that you discover what is truly worth working for.
How can you honestly express your emotions from the depths of your heart?
What bold expression of love would you like to make today?
Can you freely express your emotional sovereignty?
When: 4am – 10am PST
WEDNESDAY, December 14
The Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces
Take an honest look at everything that is weighing you down within your mind. You may be hiding, or ignoring a part of yourself that needs attention. Focus your attention on the areas within that cause you the most embarrassment. Once you find these areas, show yourself compassion.
Can you take an honest look at what is happening within your unconscious?
Can you view your truth with compassion?
Can you take an honest look at your faith in the future?
Where can you show more faith in your life?
What are you doing to connect to your spiritual nature?
When: December 12 – 16
Mercury in Capricorn Square Chiron Retrograde in Aries
This is a day of re-structuring your mental process, or re-organizing your mind. Find the areas within yourself that bring up the greatest amount of fear. Take responsibility for these insecurities, by facing them courageously.
What are you most afraid of taking responsibility for?
Can you articulate your responsibilities?
In what ways can you courageously claim your personal authority?
When: December 13 – 16
THURSDAY, December 15
Mercury in Capricorn Trine the North Node Retrograde in Taurus
When you take responsibility for your insecurities, you are taking that first step to claim your self-worth. Honor what you value through the words you choose to describe you likes and dislikes. Speak with respect for yourself, and towards those you are speaking with.
Do your conscious thoughts reflect your value?
What conversations would you like to have to support you in establishing your self-worth?
Can you share your values with authority?
When: December 13 – 17
FRIDAY, December 16
The Sun in Sagittarius Square the Moon in Virgo
Facing your insecurities, and claiming your self-worth, can bring up a lot of internal self-reflection. Sometimes you may not actually believe you deserve what it is you desire.
Take a detailed look at your mental process.
Allow for imperfections within yourself, as it is through these perceived imperfections where the lessons are learned.
Can you honestly express your emotions without being overly critical?
Can you take an honest and analytical look at what you are feeling?
How can you be honest for the purpose of creating greater efficiency in your life?
When: 10pm (12/15) – 4am (12/16) PST
SATURDAY, December 17
Mercury in Capricorn Trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
Uranus brings the energy of rebellion and the unexpected. Sometimes the best way to initiate change is to shock yourself out of an old habit. Whatever the people in your life expect of you, today could be a great day to give them something unexpected as a way of showing them what you value.
What rebellious shifts are you willing to make in your thought process regarding self-worth and how you relate to the material?
What words could you speak that would be surprising to those who know you and hear you, regarding your self-worth?
Are you ready to think and speak from a place of authority regarding your self-worth?
When: December 16 – 19
SUNDAY, December 18
The Sun in Sagittarius Sextile the Moon in Libra
The Moon closes out the week in Libra, which will hopefully level out any bumps in the road. The truth usually goes down a bit easier if you add a dash of charm to the delivery. Seek balance through being honest.
Can you be honest and fair in expressing your emotions?
How can you express your emotions honestly and with grace?
What emotional truth would you like to express in your close, personal relationships?
When: 10am – 4pm PST
If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.