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#130 October 3-9: The Full Moon in Aries and Saturn Squares Uranus


Get ready to grit your teeth and dig in as Saturn continues to square Uranus.

When the planet of restriction squares off with the planet of rebellion it means there will be tension, but hopefully this tension will bring about a resolution that is worth the pain.

Take responsibility for your self-worth and do the work required to achieve what you want.

At the same time you must also take responsibility for your role within the community, or group context, and what you are bringing to the table.

Collectively, we are working to bridge the gap between what you value and the greater good of all.

Though it is going to require a lot of conscious bridge the gap, the Full Moon in Aries is assisting you in expressing yourself authentically through all relationships, so you can come to a resolution where everyone’s individual needs are understood, appreciated, and respected.

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The themes this week are…

1. Authenticity

2. Relationships

3. Peace

These were the same three themes last week. They are just so prevalent in the planetary and astral frequencies that I had to go with them again.

Do your relationships authentically reflect you?

Do the groups you surround yourself with authentically reflect you?

Are your values reflected or respects by those you surround yourself with?

There is not peace in inauthenticity, only self-torture.

Saturn continues to square Uranus, shaping you in a powerful way. How do you wish to be shaped, as someone who hides, or has the courage to be real?

The Full Moon in Aries, ready or not, is pushing you to authentically express your emotions. Let the steam out of the pot now to show your authentic self, or the top may blow by the end of the week, shocking everyone around to see the real you.

If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

MONDAY, October 3

The Moon in Capricorn Trine Mercury in Virgo

What achievements would satisfy your emotions?

What are you doing in your daily routine to achieve your ambitions?

Does your daily routine and health reflect what you want out of life?

When: 2:00pm – 8:00pm PDT


Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Square Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

The crunch continues between Saturn and Uranus, the God of Wealth and Time, and the Primordial Sky God.

Are you taking responsibility for your role within the group context?

Does your role within the group context reflect your individuality?

Is what you are grinding towards worth the grind?

Do you value the path of your work?

Are you willing to do the work, because you value the work, or are you doing the work for some ulterior reason?

When: September 30 – October 12

The last time Saturn and Uranus Squared off was February 6 – 26, 2021 and December 23 – 29, 2021. Think back to these days to recant the energy at hand to offer clarity for what could be in store for you this time around.

TUESDAY, October 4

The Moon in Aquarius Trine the Sun in Libra

Is there equity within the group?

Are you using logic and grace when communicating your feelings?

Does your emotional expression bring balance and further the collective cause?

When: 8:00pm (10/4) – 2:00am (10/5) PDT


Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Square Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

What do you bring to the group that is different from everyone else?

Do your values reflect that of the group?

Do you respect the values of the group if they are different from yours?

Does the group reflect or respect your values?

When: September 30 – October 12

WEDNESDAY, October 5

The Moon Conjunct Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Square Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

What about the group inspires you emotionally?

What about the group inspires your values?

What about your emotions and values inspires the group?

Is everyone within the group contributing something unique to benefit the whole?

Are you encouraging those within the group context to contribute what is unique to them?

When: 7:00am – 1:00pm PDT

THURSDAY, October 6

Mercury in Virgo Trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

This alignment occurred back between August 21-23.

How has your daily routine, health, diet, and exercise regimen improved, or evolved since August 23?

What have you improved on in these areas to support you in stepping into your power as an authority since August 23?

Have you been speaking to others (and yourself), since August 23, from a place of authority, or are you putting others (and yourself) down because you are disappointed in yourself, and unwilling to take responsibility for how you can improve in life?

When: October 4 - 8


Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Square Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

There is stress and tension when Saturn, the planet of restriction squares off with Uranus, the planet of rebellion.

How could there not be, as this is a family squabble for the ages. Saturn, the Roman God equivalent to Cronus, son of Uranus, who castrated his father to claim his power.

These two planets also share rulership of Aquarius (that’s an interesting pairing, though it does make sense). The sense of this relationship comes through the symbol of Aquarius, the Water Bearer.

The Water Bearer used their rebellious, non-conformist Uranus traits to think up the outside-the-box idea of bringing water from the stream to the village. They then had to use their Saturn traits to do the work required to bring their idea into reality.

Where are you struggling in life?

Do you feel challenged in some way to bring some innovate idea into reality?

Are you pushing to contribute to the group in a way that is not accepted, or understood by the group?

The alignment between Saturn and Uranus brings together a retraction and expansion type of energy that can birth new life in an albeit uncomfortable type of way.

If you are working towards something and feeling stuck, now is the time to dig deeper, grind harder, think more different, in order to bring the new into view, for the benefit of all.

When: September 30 – October 12

The last time Saturn and Uranus Squared off was February 6 – 26, 2021 and December 23 – 29, 2021. Think back to these days to recant the energy at hand to offer clarity for what could be in store for you this time around.

FRIDAY, October 7

The Sun in Libra Opposite Chiron Retrograde in Aries

Are you being authentic in your relationships?

Where do your insecurities lie in your relationships?

Is there a façade you are lifting to hide a part of yourself you are fearful of your partners to see?

Are you willing to run towards your fears instead of cowering and hiding in your relationships?

When: October 5 - 8


Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Square Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

Do you have a tribe?

Do you have a support group?

Who is helping you climb toward your mountain of success?

How are you supporting those in your life reach their goals?

When there are conflicts in your community, are you willing to work through them to find an equitable solution?

The crunchiness that exists within this current context is restructuring you to create a form that is true to yourself, so that you can be the version that is most suitable for the community and most reflective of your values.

When: September 30 – October 12

SATURDAY, October 8

The Moon in Pisces Sextile Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

How can you show yourself compassion with regards to what you want to achieve?

Have you failed?

Have you fallen short of your goals?

Are you blaming yourself or others for your plight?

Are you willing to take responsibility for your missteps?

Can you show yourself compassion in the process?

What might be considered a failure, can also be seen as a valued lesson, if you are willing to find the wisdom in the experience, rather than blame yourself for eternity.

When: 10:00pm (10/7) – 4:00am (10/8) PDT


Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Square Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

The Water Bearer had an idea that many thought was crazy.

Thoughts that cannot be conceptualized by the masses are often deemed crazy.

In some ways the masses are not wrong for their thought, however their thoughts should also not deter the one in which they direct their jeers.

Rather, if you have an idea that is not understood, or accepted by your peers, use this as motivation to fuel your work ethic.

As it is through work that crazy becomes genius.

When: September 30 – October 12

The last time Saturn and Uranus Squared off was February 6 – 26, 2021 and December 23 – 29, 2021. Think back to these days to recant the energy at hand to offer clarity for what could be in store for you this time around.

SUNDAY, October 9

The Full Moon in Aries

September 25 was the New Moon in Libra. During this New Moon you were being called to set your intentions for what you want in your close, personal relationships.

The cornerstones of Libra are…

1. Grace

2. Harmony

3. Fairness

4. Peace

In order to bring these frequencies to your relationships, there must be authenticity.

Without authenticity there can be no grace, harmony, fairness, or peace.

If you are promising something to a partner that you cannot deliver, you cannot have grace, harmony, fairness, or peace in your relationship.

If a partner is promising something to you that they cannot deliver, there cannot be grace, harmony, fairness, or peace in your relationship.

Whatever was agreed upon during the New Moon in Libra, whatever seeds were planted in your close, personal relationships, the Full Moon in Aries bears the fruit.

If you were authentic in your proposals, if your partners were authentic with you in theirs, you are being given the ability to express yourself fully to each other in a way that inspires courage in you both.

If you or your partners have been inauthentic, the façade comes down now. The real you and them are revealed to each other, and the shock of what you see may create conflict.

Either way, the authentic expression of your emotions will get you to where you need to be.

Through love, rather than fear in your expression, you lead you to a more desirable resolution of peace.

When: 1:54pm PDT


Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Square Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

The castration of Uranus was no doubt painful, but it also created many other energies, including Aphrodite aka Venus. The painful truth of a son’s contempt for his father, with Cronus and Uranus, birthed the Goddess of Love.

Refrain from hiding from your feelings, for fear you may upset another. The sooner you can find the ability, the less painful the expression of yourself will be.

From this shift towards authenticity, you will find that even if those close to you leave, those who replace them will be the true reflection of your desires.

When: September 30 – October 12

The last time Saturn and Uranus Squared off was February 6 – 26, 2021 and December 23 – 29, 2021. Think back to these days to recant the energy at hand to offer clarity for what could be in store for you this time around.

If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then I wish you all the best as you riding the planetary waves.




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