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#151 February 27-March 5: Mercury in Pisces


Several planets transiting through Air and Fire Signs align together this week, igniting an expressive energy that encourages you to face yourself.

Relationships require authenticity, as now is the time to make plans for the future.

In order to get what you want, you need to be real about what you want. Mercury begins transit through Pisces, bringing your conscious awareness to the unconscious realm.

With all of this expressive relationship energy bubbling up, there is also going to be a lot of reflection on how you even got to this point.

Be mindful of how you are speaking to yourself, and be sure to show yourself compassion.

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The themes this week are…

1. Compassion

2. Courage

3. Relationships

The energies of the planets are building to crescendo, as Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all are at the final degree of the signs they are transiting through.

Life may feel intense.

The intensity is neither good, nor bad, though it certainly can feel like either. The point is there is great power in what is occurring right now. How are you working with this energy?

The key to working with this energy in a positive light is to hone in on the three themes for the week: compassion, courage, and relationships. The tasks here may not be easy, but they will hopefully be rewarding.

Compassion is a theme with Mercury joining the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. The challenge is facing the demons that carry your psychological baggage. Will you be able to show these demons compassion, as they are fueled by your insecurities. Be mindful of escaping rather than facing the demons.

This is where courage comes into play. Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron are all transiting through Aries, converging at the same degrees. Be sure to check your astrological code. If you have anything at or near to 10°-15° in Fire, Air, or Cardinal signs these three heavenly bodies are hitting you directly.

If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Relationships are another key theme because Venus, the planet of relationships is highlighted thrice this week. Be sure to show yourself compassion as a partner, and the courage to be authentic in your relationships.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

MONDAY, February 27

The Moon in Gemini Square the Sun in Pisces

Can you be curiously compassionate?

Can you keep you deep conversations light emotionally?

Can you be intuitive and factual?

The planet of emotions aka the Moon in the communicative sign of Gemini aligns with the Sun aka the planet of light, life, and vitality in the compassionate sign of Pisces.

This Air and Water connection can be dicey, as these two elements do not mix. The challenge is being empathetic with others without getting too heavy, or being too glib.

When: 9pm PST (2/26) – 3am PST (2/27)

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.


The Moon in Gemini Sextile Venus in Aries

At the same time that the Moon is stressing its alignment with the Sun it aspects Venus, lady luck, the goddess of love, and beauty, the planet of relationships in a more positive sextile.

Riffing on the previous alignment, ask yourself these questions…

Do you have the courage to compassionately express your emotional curiosity in your close, personal relationships?

You may find yourself looking deep within, reflecting upon how you relate to others. Show yourself compassion along the way. Ask questions to gather the facts rather than making assumptions.

When: 9pm PST (2/26) – 3am PST (2/27)

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.

TUESDAY, February 28

The Moon in Gemini Trine Saturn in Aquarius

What questions would you like to ask within the group context?

What conversations would you like to have within your community?

Who would you like to connect to within your community?

Who within your community would you like to connect to each other?

Are you willing to take responsibility for learning something new?

When: 1pm – 7pm PST

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces.


Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter, the god of thunder, lord of justice, the planet of luck and expansion joins forces with lady luck, the goddess of love and beauty, the planet of relationships, Venus, in the courageous sign of Aries.

Take an expanded look at your relationships.

What are you insecure about within your relationships?

What fears do you have in partnership?

Are you acting courageously in your relationships?

Courage stems from love.

Arrogance stems from fear.

Which one of these frequencies are you emanating in your close, personal relationships?

Do you have the courage to plan for the future of your relationships?

Do you have the courage to be authentic within your close, personal relationships?

Do you have the courage to let your partners know what you want, and what you can give in return?

When: February 27 – March 4

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Cancer and Capricorn.


Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury, messenger of the gods, guide of souls to the underworld, the planet of consciousness, communication, and coordination joins forces with Saturn, the god of wealth and time, the planet of restriction, responsibility, hard work, achievement, and authority, in the sign ruled by Saturn, Aquarius.

This is Saturn’s last week in Aquarius until 2050. The work you have been called to do within the community, which began in 2020 is coming to a close.

What thoughts would you like to share within the group context?

In what ways can you speak up, as an authority within your community?

What innovative ideas can you share within the group context that will progress society in a future where we are more independent?

Take responsibility for the words you are choosing, and the thoughts you are sharing. Your words have power.

When: February 28 – March 3

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus and Scorpio.


Mercury in Pisces

The planet of the conscious mind, Mercury, begins transit through the sign of the unconscious mind, Pisces.

For the next 16-days be mindful of how your inner world dictates your outer experience.

If you find that you are beating yourself up with thoughts of guilt, shame, regret, or blame, show yourself compassion, so you can integrate these thought patterns, and memories with understanding, forgiveness, and love for yourself.

Your mind is powerful.

What would you like the manifest over the next 16-days, and beyond?

What are your dreams?

Where does your mind drift to?

How are your innermost thoughts affecting your reality?

Are you being compassionate with yourself?

What can you do to forgive yourself for any guilt, shame, regret, or blame you may be experiencing?

Do you have faith in yourself, and in the divine order of life?

Are you being compassionate to others in the way that you speak to them?

Are you being empathetic in your communication with others?

Find meaning in your thoughts, compassion for yourself, and communicate empathetically with others.

When: March 2 – 18, 2023

Last Time: March 9 – 27, 2022

The Time Before Last: March 15 – April 3, 2021

Think back to these previous dates for clues on what could be in store for you this time around. This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

FRIDAY, March 3

Venus Conjunct Chiron in Aries

Just as Venus joins Jupiter in a conjunction in Aries, so too does Venus and Jupiter begin forming a conjunction with Chiron.

What that means is there could be some big gaping wounds to your close, personal relationships that are being exposed right now.

Any insecurities you have been hiding or hiding from, could come rushing to the surface of your relationships.

Pay attention to the tension.

Run towards these conflicts courageously, and with authenticity.

It may feel uncomfortable, but it is meant to move you and your partners through the energy that is stuck.

When: February 28 – March 5

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.


The Moon in Leo Trine Jupiter in Aries

Leo is the sign that rules the heart. With the Moon transiting through Leo open your heart, in order to honestly, and authentically express your emotions.

How can you be bold in your emotional expression?

What would you like to express emotionally, which would satisfy your heart?

What fun, heart opening plans would you like to make for your future?

Roar like the Lion, but also be willing to hear the roars of those you hold dear to your heart.

When: 4am – 10am PST

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

SUNDAY, March 5

Mercury in Pisces Sextile the North Node in Taurus

With Mercury transiting through Pisces, you are being given a conscious view of your dreams.

The North Node signifies the soul’s purpose, or karmic pathway of the soul. The North Node’s transit through Taurus is directing your attention on what you value at a soul level.

In what ways do your dreams give insight into what you value?

How do your unconscious thoughts reflect your self-worth?

Are you talking down to yourself, or are you lifting yourself up?

What do your dreams reflect about your self-worth?

In what ways can you reimagine the dream in order to elevate your self-worth, and personal values?

When: March 4 – 7

This period could be challenging for those born with key astrological points or planets in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.

If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then, and beyond, I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.




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