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#136 November 14-20: Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius


As we transition from Scorpio Season to Sagittarius, Ingrid shares some insight into how some of her karmic bonds have been transforming.

Mercury, Venus and the Sun make one final alignment with Jupiter in Pisces before transitioning into Sagittarius, creating an opportunity to take a deeper more compassionate look at your most intimate relationships.

If you attempt to continue hiding from what you truly desire to express, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius may push you set the room on Fire.

On the flip side, finding forgiveness and compassion within you and with those you are bonded to will allow you to set yourself free.

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The themes this week are…

1. Magic

2. Honesty

3. Compassion

This week the planets begin their transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius, as Venus and Mercury move on to the Sign symbolized by the Archer.

For the past several weeks, the focus has been to look into the dark corners of your life. Hopefully, you have been able to explore the nature of your karmic bonds, the bonds with whom you share your intimacies with.

For those of you who are new to learning the language of astrology, one way to interpret this language is to think of each planet as a musical instrument. Each Sign is like the note, that each instrument, or planet is playing.

This week we are highlighting Eight Planets in Six Signs. To give you a quick understanding of each, see below…


The Sun – Vitality

The Moon – Emotions

Mercury – Communication

Venus – Relationships

Mars – Action

Jupiter – Expansion

Neptune – Compassion

Pluto – Transformation


Gemini – Communication

Virgo – Service

Scorpio – Magic

Sagittarius – Honesty

Capricorn – Responsibility

Pisces - Unconscious

Refer back to these key word descriptions when reading ahead of the days of the week.

If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

MONDAY, November 14

The Sun in Scorpio Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

With the Sun, the planet of Vitality, in the Sign of Magic, Scorpio, let’s take a deeper look as to the meaning of “Magic”.

Scorpio is often associated with sex, because Scorpio rules the genitals.

Sex can is a magical experience.

The act of sex can either be associated with light magic, or dark magic, depending on the intention behind the act.

Scorpio is also known as the Sign of Transformation, as it is ruled by the Planet of Transformation, Pluto.

An orgasm, through the act of sex can feel like a death and rebirth of the spirit. By sharing the most intimate parts of your body with another individual, you are transformed.

Again, depending on the intention behind the act, if the magic is dark, the transformation may feel painful, upsetting, regretful, horrific, or sad.

If the magic is light, the transformation may feel joyous, fulfilling, peaceful, loving, or gleeful.

Finally, the act of sex, creates the ultimate transformation, as it is through this act that a woman can become pregnant, and from that pregnancy, a child, which is the most magical experience of all.

This is not to discount the other forms of magic that Scorpio is associated with, the occult, the hidden realms, secrets, and the sharing of finances, but to simply give a most cohesive understanding of the energy, which is being illuminated by the Sun.

Neptune, which represents Compassion, is in Pisces, the Sign it Rules, and the Sign which represents the Unconscious.

Neptune’s transit through Pisces began briefly in 2011, but after retrograding back into Aquarius, has transited continuously through Pisces since 2012, where it will be until 2025 when it moves into Aries. Neptune will then also retrograde back into Pisces, before transiting completely through Aries beginning in 2026.

The transit of Neptune through Pisces brings a greater sensitivity to your Unconscious, supporting you in showing yourself compassion. However, in order to find that compassion, you must also allow yourself to experience the feelings within your unconscious.

The unconscious is where you hide your psychological baggage, the guilt, the shame, the regret, and the blame.

The alignment between the Sun in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, has occurred annually since 2012. It will return again in 2023, 2024, and 2025.

This special alignment is urging you to take a look at the deepest, darkest, most passionate areas of your life, your secrets, sexuality, sexual history, and to show yourself compassion, so you can integrate these memories and thought patterns with understanding, forgiveness, and love.

What is it about your sexuality, sex magic, or sexual experiences would you like to forgive?

Are there any other intimacies that you have shared with others, that you would like to forgive?

How can you be more compassionate to yourself for the ways you have shared your secrets, your body, or your money?

When: November 12 - 16


Mercury in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury represents Communication, at the root of communication is consciousness, therefore Mercury is bringing your consciousness to Scorpio, the Sign of Magic.

Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, is the planetary ruler of Scorpio.

Pluto is also known as the Lord of the Underworld, while Mercury is known as the Guild of Souls to the Underworld.

The Underworld represents the hidden realm of secrets, secret societies, and sex. These are acts that occur behind closed doors, in darkness, or in the shadows.

Pluto is transiting through Capricorn, where it began its transit in 2008 before retrograding back into Sagittarius, but then returning to Capricorn where it has been since 2009. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn ends briefly in 2023 when it moves into Aquarius, but then retrogrades back into Capricorn where it will be until 2024.

Capricorn represents Responsibility. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn has been calling you to take “Responsibility” for yourself.

You must recognize the magic that exists within you. Take responsibility for who you share your magic with, and how you share your magic.

In this example, “Magic” is not only “Sex”, but it is also understanding that intrinsically, encapsulated in your physical body is a unique power source of energy known as your Soul.

Are you aware of the magic that exists within you?

Are you taking responsibility with how you share your magic?

Are you taking responsibility for who you share your magic with?

Are you honoring your magic by the thoughts in your mind and the words that you choose to express your thoughts?

When: November 13 - 15

TUESDAY, November 15

Venus in Scorpio Trine Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces

Venus represents Relationships.

As Venus completes its transit through Scorpio, do those you share my magic with honor, reflect, or respect your magic?

If not, how can you transform, or end this exchange of energy?

If so, how can you deepen your bond with them?

Jupiter is the Planet of Expansion, and the planetary ruler of Pisces, and is therefore, expanding the awareness of your unconscious.

How do those you are bonded to affect your unconscious?

How does your unconscious affect those you are bonded to?

You are learning about yourself through the reflection of those you are sharing your magic with.

What is it about those you are sharing your magic with that you are learning about yourself?

Can you see yourself in those you are sharing your magic with?

What are they teaching you?

What are you learning?

When: November 13 - 15


Venus in Sagittarius

When Venus moves into Sagittarius, the Sign of Honesty, that which has been hidden, is brought into the light.

Sagittarius is also the Sign of Freedom.

If you are working with the magic appropriately, meaning the magic shared between you and others is light, rather than dark, you will feel free.

If it is dark, you may feel the urge to light it ablaze and burn down the bonds, so you can be free.

Do you wish to plan for the future with those you share your magic with?

Are you planning for the future with those you share your magic with, or are you searching for a way to break free?

Do those you share your magic with encourage your freedom, or are they working to restrict you because they desire for you to be within their control?

Are you being truthful about your relationships?

Are those you are in a relationship with being honest with you?


This Time: November 15 - December 9, 2022

Last Time: October 7 - November 5, 2021

Think back to these dates for clues on what could be in store for you this time around with regards to your relationships.

WEDNESDAY, November 16

Mercury in Scorpio Trine Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces

The Planet of Communication, Mercury, in the Sign of Magic, Scorpio, aligns with the Planet of Expansion, Jupiter, in the Sign of the Unconscious, Pisces.

How can you open your mind in order to gain a broader view of how you mentally process the sharing of your magic within your unconscious?

What thoughts do you have regarding sex, secrets, and the sharing of money?

What are yoru inner thoughts with regards to those you have sex with, those you share secrets with, and those you share money with?

What is the status of your mental loop?

Can you be empathetic with those you are sharing your magic with?

Are you being compassionate to yourself mentally with regards to how you are sharing your magic with others?

When: November 15 – 17

THURSDAY, November 17

Mercury in Sagittarius

The truth comes out, as the Planet of Communication, Mercury, begins transit through the Sign of Honesty, Sagittarius.

Whatever secrets were acknowledged mentally, but still hidden during Mercury’s transit through Scorpio, may be revealed over the next couple of weeks.

Have you been censoring yourself?

Is there a truth you would like to express that you have been keeping to yourself?

What do you honestly believe?

How can you free your thoughts?

How can you free your voice?

Are you being honest in communicating your thoughts?

Are you speaking your truth?

Are you freeing yourself from censorship?

How can you free your mind?

How can you broaden your perspective on life?

How can you deepen your philosophical view?


This Time: November 17 - December 6, 2022

Last Time: November 24 - December 13, 2021

Think back to these dates for clues on what could be in store for you this time around with regards to your mental processing and communication.

FRIDAY, November 18

The Sun in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn

On Monday it was Mercury in Scorpio aligning with Pluto in Capricorn, and today it is the Sun.

Two instruments, Mercury and the Sun. One note, Scorpio, connecting with one instrument, Pluto, playing another note, Capricorn.

Monday, Mercury was raising your conscious awareness to take responsibility for how you use your magic.

Today, the Sun is urging you to embody what your mind became aware of on Monday.

How can you transform how you share your magic, by taking responsibility to be respectful to yourself and those you share your magic with?

When: November 17 – 20


The Moon in Virgo Opposite Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

The Moon in Virgo Square Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Mars Retrograde in Gemini Square Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

There is tension in the tone of this musical arrangement.

The Moon, the Planet of Emotions, in Virgo the Sign of Service, brings an emotional awareness to see any and all things which are out of order.

Mars, the Planet of Action, in the Sign of Communication, Gemini, is banging a drum in your conscious mind, which may cause you to speak more aggressively.

Together, the Moon and Mars align with each other and Neptune, the Planet of Compassion, in the Sign of the Unconscious.

The tension comes from bringing that which is out of order into your conscious awareness and reflecting that within your unconscious.

How did you create this situation?

What can you learn from this situation?

How can you be critical, yet compassionate in your self-analysis?

Can you be compassionate in your curiosity?

Are you willing to ask the questions in order to gain a deeper understanding which can uncover what is going on within your unconscious?

How is your unconscious reflected in your reality?

How does your reality reflect your unconscious?

What questions can you ask in order to learn more?


The Moon Opposite Neptune and the Moon Square Mars: 10am – 4pm PST

Mars Square Neptune: November 15 - 23

SATURDAY, November 19

Mercury Conjunct Venus in Sagittarius

For these next six days we will be highlighting the musical tone, which will occur as Mercury, the Planet of Communication, joins forces with Venus, the Planet of Relationships, in Sagittarius, the Sign of Honesty.

Even though this is a tone that will resonate much longer than the dates covered, the sound of this tone will be most strongly felt over the next six-days.

What that means is…

Are you being honest in your communication with those you are in relationship with?

Is there something that you want to say, yet you haven’t, but still need to with regards to those you are in a relationship with?

The truth comes out this week. The sooner you speak it, the less explosive it may be.

When: November 14 – 30

SUNDAY, November 20

The Sun in Scorpio Trine Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces

On Tuesday it was Venus in Scorpio aligning with Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces. On Wednesday it was Mercury, and today it is the Sun.

Three instruments, Venus, Mercury and the Sun. One note, Scorpio connecting with one instrument, Jupiter, playing another note, Pisces.

Tuesday, Venus was expanding the awareness within your unconscious with regards to how you relate to others.

Wednesday, it was Mercury bringing conscious awareness to your unconscious with regards to how you communicate and share your magic.

Today, the Sun is urging you to embody the frequencies you have been receiving earlier in the week.

Am I showing myself compassion by sharing my magic?

Do I feel compassion from those I am sharing my magic with?

What is my future outlook with regards to sharing my magic?

Do I feel optimistic, or is there something I need to transform within these frequencies to feel lifted, if I am feeling drained?

How can I face the darkness and transform it into life by being compassionate in using my magic?

When: November 18 – 22


Mercury Conjunct Venus in Sagittarius

Add the musical frequencies above to that of honesty and you may receive a combustible reaction within your relationships. The point being, this is a time for movement, though you may also be feeling stagnation.

In order to move through the stagnation, you must be willing to see what is right in front of you.

Are you willing to acknowledge the truth that exists within you and those you share magic with?

When: November 14 – 30

If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.




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