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#135 November 7-13: The Full Moon in Taurus


Scorpio is all about exchanging energy and magic.

Ingrid goes deep in disclosing what it is like to feel lifted through the exchange of money and dancing at the club.

Through these examples you will hopefully have the clarity you need to transform your deepest bonds in a way that leave you and those you are bonded to feeling lifted.

The Full Moon in Taurus will be intense, but the tension is there to help you recognize any bonds or areas within your bonds where you are being undervalued.

Use this opportunity to release these unhealthy connections, and merge deeper with those who appreciate you.

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The themes this week are…

1. Magic

2. Self-worth

3. Responsibility

There looks to be some tension this week, which will hopefully find its release through the Full Moon in Taurus on November 8.

I go into the astrology of this day is depth with psychic Dallisa Hocking via her YouTube channel. If you are interested, I highly encourage you to view our discussion, which you can do through THIS LINK.

Though the tension may linger throughout as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun all align stressfully with Saturn throughout the week.

Neptune comes into play, as well, bringing compassion and healing as it aligns positively with Venus and Mercury.

Through it all the focus is to pay attention to the tension in order to transform any bonds that are depleting you, and restructure them in a way that supports you.

If any of these bonds are beyond repair, this may be your opportunity to release them and move on.

If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

If you are curious how these, or any other transits are affecting you directly, I encourage you to reach out to me for a reading.

Wishing you all the best through the week, as you ride the planetary waves!

MONDAY, November 7

The Sun Conjunct Mercury in Scorpio

For several days, the Planet of Communication, Mercury, will be within a couple degrees of the Planet of Light, Life, and Vitality, the Sun, in the Sign of Karmic Bonds, Scorpio.

What this means is you are receiving conscious light to your mind with regards to how you are sharing your magic, and the nature of your exchange of energy with others.

Are you feeling lifted by those you share energy with, or do you feel drained?

Do those you share energy with feel lifted or drained by you?

Can you bring these issues from the shadows and into the light, so you and those you are bonded to can have the conversations necessary to transform and deepen the bond in a healthy way?

When: November 5 - 11


Venus in Scorpio Square Saturn in Aquarius

The planet of the senses, Venus, is also transiting through the Sign of Karmic Bonds, Scorpio, meaning now is the time to seal the deal.

Over these few days, Venus aligns in a challenging way with Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, in Aquarius, the Sign of Community, which it rules.

What this means is you are being called to take responsibility for how you are sharing your magic within your deepest bonds in the community.

Are you holding yourself accountable for how you affect others within the group context?

Do those within the group context hold themselves accountable for how they are affecting you?

What would you like to restructure about the way you share your magic within the community?

What can you do the lift up your community, or any group you are involved with?

What are the community, or groups you are involved with, doing to elevate your energetic frequency?

When: November 5 - 8

TUESDAY, November 8

The Full Moon in Taurus

The Sun Conjunct Mercury in Scorpio Opposite the Moon Conjunct Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

As mentioned in the into I go into the astrology of this day is depth with psychic Dallisa Hocking via her YouTube channel. If you are interested, I highly encourage you to view our discussion, which you can do through THIS LINK.

The Full Moon in Taurus is the culmination of what began during the New Moon in Scorpio, which was discussed in post #133.

The New Moon in Scorpio called you to set your intentions to establish your self-worth, what you value, how you would like to share your magic, and the type of individuals you would like to exchange energy with.

Last week was your opportunity to put these intentions into practice. Today, is your opportunity to release any frequencies within your intimate bonds which are not serving you.

The Full Moon is a release, and the release of this Full Moon is even more intense because it is in alignment with Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion in Taurus, and Mercury in Scorpio.

These two planets, in addition to the Sun and Moon may be stirring an internal conscious rebellion regarding how you share your magic with others.

Your magic is the energy that is exchanged between you and another. Each individual has magic, as illuminated through your astrological code. If you would like to learn more about your magic through its reflection of your astrological code, contact me for a reading.

The next time the planets and stars will be aligned in the way that they were aligned when you were born, is over 25,000 years from the date, time, and place of your birth. You are born with a series of gifts, which were put together in a way that can only be expressed through you. This is your magic.

When you are in the presence of another you are exchanging energy, creating a third unique energy, which can only be created by you and the individual you are sharing your energy with. Think of it like hydrogen and oxygen coming together to make water, when you engage with another, you create a unique frequency. Sometimes this frequency may drain you and/or the one you are connecting with. Other times, you and the one you are exchanging energy with may feel more powerful through the exchange. Your understanding and awareness of this exchange is the first step to recognizing how you share your magic.

Through the conscious rebellion that is occurring at this time, you may find yourself alerted to how you are affected by those you involve yourself with, and how you affect them.

If you feel lifted by this exchange, now could be an ideal time to deepen the bond. If you are feeling drained, now could be an ideal time to release, or transform the bond in a way that creates a more positive frequency between yourself and those you are sharing magic with.

Either way, now is the time to recognize the power that you have. Honor your self-worth and make sure that those you are bonding with are honoring you self-worth, just as you must make sure you are honoring them. Through this mutual respect, the bond can be deepened, and through the deepening of this bond, together your strength will grow.

Do you feel valued by those you are most intimate with?

Do you value those you are most intimate with?

What would you like to transform with regards to your most intimate relationships?

What frequencies would you like to release from your most intimate relationships?

What intimate relationships would you like to release?

What intimate relationships would you like to deepen the bond?

If you are curious about the next Moon Cycle will be affecting you directly, which will involve the New Moon in Sagittarius and Full Moon in Gemini, I encourage you to enroll in my Moon Cycle Classes.

When: 3:01am PST is the exact moment of the Full Moon in Taurus, though this frequency will be felt Monday night and into Tuesday.

WEDNESDAY, November 9

Mercury in Scorpio Square Saturn in Aquarius

On Monday it was Venus in Scorpio aligning with Saturn in Aquarius, today it is Mercury, and Friday it will be the Sun.

This is like three different instruments playing the same note.

Monday was Venus, which is the senses.

Today is Mercury, which is the mind.

Friday is the Sun, which is the identity.

Monday you may have received a feeling of what you need to claim responsibility for within your relationships, or deepest bonds.

On the other side of the coin, you may have received a feeling of what those you are in relationship with need to be held accountable for.

Today, you find the words to communicate these responsibilities.

Can you communicate what you are holding yourself accountable for within the group context, or community?

Can you communicate what you need the community, or group to hold themselves accountable for with regards to their bond with you?

Are you willing to use logic to express your passion?

Can you ask the questions necessary to uncover what is hidden?

When: November 8 – 10

THURSDAY, November 10

Venus in Scorpio Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Just as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in Scorpio all align with Saturn in Aquarius, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in Scorpio will also align with Neptune in Pisces.

Three instruments. One note.

Thursday it is Venus aligning with Neptune.

Saturday it is Mercury.

Next Monday it is the Sun.

Unlike the alignment with Saturn, which is stressful, the alignment with Neptune is more positive.

You’ve had an opportunity to take responsibility for what you and your partners are exchanging within your relationships through these alignment with Saturn.

The alignment with Neptune creates a frequency of compassion and healing of the unconscious.

What have you been blaming yourself for with regards to your deepest bonds and relationships?

Where have you been feeling shame with regards to your deepest bonds and relationships?

Are you feeling any guilt or regrets with regards to your deepest bonds and relationships?

Now is the time to show yourself compassion for these feelings, so you can integrate these thought patterns and memories with understanding, forgiveness, and love.

Are you willing to ask for forgiveness from your partners?

Can you offer forgiveness for partners?

In what ways can you reimagine the dream of what relationships mean to you, so you can move out of the disappointment of any unfulfilled fantasies?

When: November 8 – 11

FRIDAY, November 11

The Sun in Scorpio Square Saturn in Aquarius

On Monday it was Venus in Scorpio aligning with Saturn in Aquarius, Wednesday it was Mercury, and Today it is the Sun.

Three instruments. One note.

Monday was Venus, which is the senses.

Wednesday was Mercury, which is the mind.

Today is the Sun, which is the identity.

Monday you may have received a feeling of what you need to claim responsibility for within your relationships, or deepest bonds.

On the other side of the coin, you may have received a feeling of what those you are in relationship with need to be held accountable for.

Wednesday, you found the words to communicate these responsibilities.

Today, embody what you learned on Monday and Wednesday. Incorporate your words and sensibilities into the reality of your bonds. Own up to your responsibility within the community or group context by being what you said you would be.

Your magic matters. Use it wisely, and use it with those who value the gifts you share with them.

When: November 9 – 13

SATURDAY, November 12

Mercury in Scorpio Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Thursday, Venus aligned with Neptune.

Today, it is Mercury.

Are you willing to have the conversation necessary to show compassion, and offer forgiveness?

Are you willing to forgive yourself within your own mind?

How can you communicate compassionately with those you are bonded to?

Are you willing to be empathetic to those you are bonded to?

Can you reimagine the dream of what your bonded relationships can look like?

How can you find deeper spiritual meaning through your most deeply intimate, bonded relationships?

When: November 11 – 13

SUNDAY, November 13

Venus in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn

All the work you have been doing with regards to your relationships, how you share your magic, and exchange energy culminates today with this alignment between Venus and Pluto.

Venus is in Scorpio.

Pluto is in Capricorn, but rules Scorpio.

Responsibility has been a major theme for the week with regards to Venus, Mercury, and the Sun all aligning with Saturn.

Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn.

What is it about your relationships that you have been able to transform this week?

Are there areas of your relationships that you would like to transform that you are still hiding from?

What steps can you take today to bring this transformation into fruition?

In what ways are these transformations deepening or strengthening your bonds?

Are these transformation encouraging you to release any bonds?

What frequencies are you taking responsibility to transform?

Next week, Mercury and Venus transit into Sagittarius.

If you are working with the energy, paying attention to the hidden areas, transforming, or releasing what is no longer working, you will feel free.

If not, you may find yourself burning everything down around you in order to feel free.

When: November 12 – 14

If you are curious about how these planetary alignments are influencing you directly, please contact me for a reading. It is an honor and privilege for me to share this knowledge with you. Until then I wish you all the best as you ride the planetary waves.




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